Monday, October 12, 2009


According to modern times, to be a man is a pretty important thing for males. There's pressure on being manly and people go to great (idiotic) lengths to prove they have a dick. I had a pink toothbrush that was given to me, now even though it has nothing to do with the colour and no one would even notice, I still felt the need to replace it for the simply reason that it was crippling my manhood. I'll say now that a blue toothbrush didn't make me like team sports.

I don't see the need to sit around glued to a box watching a bunch of other men running around after a ball, I don't like fishing shows, when I see car racing instead of looking at whats going on I am thinking "What is the real reason there are a bunch of girls waving flags around?.. they are serving no purpose other than to attract a mans attention to a sport that has a 90% male target market" instead of just thinking "oh yes, hot chicks!"

The funny thing is, in the past it was survival of the fittest in terms of intellect (This will be a boring paragraph). Obviously our species has survived with help from men being men and going around killing things, but without intellectual advancement we would have been wiped out tens of thousands of years ago because we have no natural defense compared to other animals, only our heads. Anyway, so as time went on, it was the smart that survived. It was the smarter that got more mates, fed their young, and progressed to teach their grand-kids, and so on and so forth. The dumber strands of human generally would make up a minority of human population, becoming generaly smarter but always behind the 'survivors'. Skip into modern history around the 18oo's and early 19oo's - although times had changed, the general idea was; brains = success. In other words, wealth. Females would go toward the rich and successful, which in those times meant intellectuals. Now, this is where things flip upside down: over the past 50 or 60 years human kind has been severely 'dumbed-out' to the point that not it is the nerds who are the minority, and rarely become successful in terms of our basic instinct as a living being - to reproduce. Now it is deemed normal to hardly use your head, to sit back and watch advertisements, cheer over football, get together for a beer in the pub and talk about fuck all with your buddies and make comments about how 'her tit's could hold the bath mat up' and so on. This is largely due to TV and pop-culture, but I wont even go into it. The point is, humans have had a 90% population expansion since only a couple thousand years ago, yet in just 50 or so, we have managed to make the majority of our population dumber than humans were about 15,000 years ago.

If you bring up something like that in a conversation, or at a pub, or just getting some fish and chips.. someone is going to think 'what a fucking dick.. he doesn't know anything, probably a fag! life is fucking great' and yeah, ignorance really is bliss, but fuck am I the only one that thinks that is retarded??

Here are some key points that, in modern times, make me less of a man:

I read books, I'm interested in space/time/physics, I think about population expansion and sustainable power sources, I don't drink beer, I'm not interested in cars, I like to cuddle, I like being the little spoon sometimes, I use an electric razor now, when I hold hands I like it sometimes if my partner only clutches onto a finger or two because it's cute, I keep my private hair neat and very short, I look after my finger nails because I play guitar, I like intimacy and the feeling of love, I'm currently listening to Frank Sinatra, I give my cats little kisses on the nose if they act good because I believe love is the best reward for any species, if I'm upset I don't bottle it up I either express myself to who ever asks or I cry, I admit that I cry it bad situations, again.. I cry when I feel like there is nothing left I can do.

Apparently to be a man you have to appear rock hard at all times and show no sign of weakness.

To me.. that's pathetic. That is denying that you are a human being with emotions. If you can be happy from a good wave in the surf, or because your team scored a goal, then that means you have emotions. So many people bottle 'bad' emotions up because it is not manly.

I see now that it take more guts and honesty to cry than to bottle it up.

So fuck it, I'm going to be myself, I'm going to be a real man.

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